To be raw
The collection was created in support of women on Web3 in order to highlight the difficulties women face in reality and to make a statement about the need for women's empowerment. Women have the right to be themselves, to do what they want, and to be raw.
While in progressive countries girls are brought up in the spirit of "You can be whatever you want," in Russia they are still raised from childhood with the indoctrinated idea that "You MUST be a good wife and mother.
Italian scientists from the University of Padua and their colleagues in their study came to the conclusion that marriage has a positive effect only on men. Married women die 23% more often than men. Married women work much harder than unmarried women.
In society, the idea of never marrying or having children is hugely questionable. In some Muslim regions girls are still married off by force, sometimes before they reach adulthood.
Nature has entrusted the creation of new human beings to women. This is a demographic indicator.
This person is responsible for the growth of taxpayers in the country - this is already an economic and political task. When women refuse to give birth and choose to do other things, it becomes dangerous for the economy. The female body begins to be controlled. So the personal becomes political.
Meanwhile, pregnancy and childbirth are a difficult ordeal and a dramatic change in lifestyle. Postpartum depression, deterioration of quality of life, social isolation, loss of identity, financial dependence. It is customary to remain silent about this.
I want women to be looked at more than just in the context of motherhood. We are much more than one social role.
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M o t̶ ̶h̶ ̶e̶ ̶r̶ ̶n e y h o o d
The Gender Inequality Index in Russia in 2021 is at approximately 81st place according to the WEF. Zimbabwe at 49. Namibia at 6.
I know from my own experience that many of the problems of the inhabitants of Russia are connected with traditional education, divorced from modern research on psychology and sociology.
A man is brought up as earners who do not have the right to feelings and emotions. Women are given the sole burden of responsibility for children and elderly relatives, forcing them to give up career, development and personal goals.
Unfortunately, adherence to the foundations of this kind is so strong that people who violate these orders become outcasts of society. However, these traditions do not ensure survival, do not distribute the load among the more resourceful representatives of society, create many psychological problems, and lead to crimes.
My work is about having the right to independently decide what traditions take place in the life of a modern person, and to be able to refuse what has become a long-obsolete phenomenon. About how traditions bind and limit people, preventing them from developing and expanding their capabilities. They grow under the skin and injure people, who sometimes do not even see ways to live in any other way. And if they know about these ways, they are afraid of becoming rejected in society and never finding their place in life.
(don't) keep your roots
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The most common expression one hears at the doctor's office for a woman is, "Give birth and it will pass. Gynecological problems, as well as vascular problems, headaches, depression, and everything else, are commonly treated by childbirth.
If a woman decides to terminate her pregnancy, she will be humiliated by the doctors themselves, scaring her with scary untrue stories of infertility or even death.
But a woman who decides to give birth faces violence just as rarely. Obstetric violence, abusive behavior in women's clinics, condescending attitudes from others, aggressive remarks toward mothers with babies when breastfeeding, or if the baby is in any way disturbing to others.
Women are often wished for patience, without going into detail about whether they want to tolerate something or whether they intend to do so.
Mommy, are you ok?
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Two-thirds of all murders of women in Russia over the past 10 years were committed by their partners or relatives. This was revealed by human rights activists in a study by the Consortium of Women's Non-Governmental Organizations.
Of 18.5 thousand women, 12.2 thousand were victims of their partners or relatives (65.8%). And 9,868 women died at the hands of their partners, which is about 53% of all sentences studied by experts.
The authors pointed out that Russia turned out to be the world leader by this indicator. So, in Europe, the percentage of women who were victims of domestic violence is 29%, in Africa - 38%.
Of 18.5 thousand women, 12.2 thousand were victims of their partners or relatives (65.8%). And 9,868 women died at the hands of their partners, which is about 53% of all sentences studied by experts.
Russia turned out to be the world leader by this indicator. So, in Europe, the percentage of women who were victims of domestic violence is 29%, in Africa - 38%.
In Russia, the law on domestic violence was repealed, citing the belief that partners have the right to sort out their relationships on their own. Neither women nor men are entitled to protection from domestic violence.
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